Foto: Roman Buchatsky
Design und Innenarchitektur-Studenten aus den Niederlanden (Den Haag und Breda) und Israel (Tel Aviv) waren anläßlich ihres Workshops "DOMESTICATE ME" bei kitev zu Besuch. Von Turm aus erkundeten sie das Ruhrgebiet. Die Reise ins Ruhrgebiet war Teil des DOMESTICATE ME - Workshops.
Am Donnerstag, 8.10.2015 findet die Präsentation der Ergebnisse ihres Workshops DOMESTICATE ME in Rotterdam statt. Wir wünschen gutes Gelingen!
Design and interrior architecture students from Tel Aviv, Den Haag und Breda were guests of kitev and on exploration in the Ruhr Area. The journey to the Ruhr Area was part of the DESTICATE ME! - Workshop, which results can be seen in Rotterdam: Presentation of the temporary domesticated Hef-bridge Marconistraat Rotterdam - corner Gustoweg Schiedam Thursday night october 8 at 19.00
The famous Rotterdam Hef-bridge has been taken apart and placed on a harbour quay.
While the bridge is waiting for renovation design-students from Tel Aviv, The Hague and Breda worked on its domestication. The students built walls, beds and various sheltering constructions on the bridge with the materials they harvested in the neighborhood of its current position.
The domesticating non-building structures project is a co-operation of INSIDE - the master interior architecture of the Royal Academy of Art The Hague - School of Design of the College of Management Tel Aviv - international spatial development of the NHTV Breda with artist/architectgroups OBSERVATORIUM, SUPERUSE and REFUNC.
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