THE VISITOR von Katarina Schröter

*** we’re proud to announce: ***
For the opening  of the kitev tower one year ago Katarina Schröter showed for the first time her film THE VISITOR. We were thrilled having the possibility showing it as a world premiere. Now - one year later - we received the great news, that THE VISITOR is coming to cinemas in february 2015!
So , for everyone, who missed this screening at the opening in Oberhausen - go and see - it’s a great film, unique in storytelling and atmosphere.

THE VISITOR has been created entirely through un-staged improvisations with random encounters on the streets of Mumbai, Shanghai and Sao Paulo. Without script, with no previous idea of what is going to happen. The filmmaker and her camera woman just threw themselves into some of the hugest cities of the world, trying to pass the borders of fear, trying to get close to people beyond the normative interactions of the Eastern/Southern and the Western World.

On the website you can choose the trailer - in english or german:

THE VISITOR kommt in die Kinos - im Februar 2015!  Zur Eröffnung des kitev-Turms vor einem Jahr durften wir auch eine Weltpremiere feiern und den Film THE VISITOR von unserer Freundin und Kollegin Katarina Schröter zeigen.

Wir empfehlen: hingehen und anschauen! Es ist ein großartiger Film  - unvergleichbar mit anderen, weil so persönlich, grenzüberschreitend und distanzlos zu den erzählten Geschichten: Ohne Skript und ohne Sprache unterwegs in den größten Megacities der Welt  - in Mumbai, Shanghai und Sao Paulo.

AW Sonntag 23 November 2014 at 3:17 pm | | turmbLog, Video, Ausstellung

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